2020. 9. 9. 11:51 Operational Excellence
What are the outcomes of Effective Business and Process Improvement in your organization?
The path to Operational Excellence involves dedication, patience and most of all the understanding of Continuous Improvement. If you implement the respective strategies and approaches efficiently, effective business and process improvement can support your organization in the following key areas:
Operation Excellence로 가는 길에는 헌신, 인내심, Continous Improvement 의 이해도가 포함된다. 만약 전략과 접근방식의 효율적이라면, 효과적인 비지니스와 프로세스 개선은 다음의 키 영역에서 조직을 뒷받침 할 수 있다.
Alignment of your strategy and culture - 전략과 기업문화의 조정
Harmonization of work and your objectives - 업무와 목표의 조화
Enhancement of the performance of decision-making - 의사결정의 성과 향상
Recognition of the difference in the value of your customer composition - 고객 구성의 가치 차이 인식
What is Operational Excellence?
Operational Excellence methodologies stress the application of numerous techniques and tools, focusing on continuous improvement & outstanding performance.
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